Page 181 - The Big Begg_1
P. 181
We are obliged to confirm to KFH (our present
Agents) who will be taking over from them on 1st January 2012 - this confirmation has to be done by November 30th in 3 weeks time -
My vote is to appoint new Agents as opposed to attempting to do ourselves - obviously open to a vote and an appropriate agent once discussed.
Flat 1 is still for sale at £625,000 - KFH have sent service charge demands
to all flats for Sept-Dec 2011 - I have posted or hand delivered
notifications (as supplied by our Solicitor) re:
Mitre House Management Ltd being the new headlease owners etc to Flats 2, 3, 4, 6 - but notification for Flat 1 was not included (presume sent direct?)
and although I emailed scans to owner of Flat 8 (Mr Leigh-Pemberton) I received no reply and have not yet delivered originals to him - but am still chasing him up to do so - suspicious though! Flat 9 also had no notification to deliver so presume that, too, was advised in another format - perhaps Mr Hodges could confirm re: Flat 1 and 9.
I have asked KFH to advise any non payments of this final service charge demand as of course, before we finish with them, we need all bills outstanding to be fully paid up so we do not inherit any legal fees in chasing late payers once we (or new agents) take over January 1st,
2012 - reserves will total approx. £75,000 once all funds outstanding are in and credited to our account.
As already advised to Michele & Segar, I can't make Thursday 10th for a lunch at 1.00 but could do a very early at midday promptly (I have to be away by 2pm for a hospital appointment) - or OK for Friday 11th or Tuesday, Wed, Thursday, Friday on week following - apologies. We're not doing too well on these meetings as two to date have been aborted - once by Segar, then Michele and now possibly, me - quite understandable, but does add substantial credibility to appointing Agents as we simply could not run this place ourselves whilst everyone involved has such hectic schedules to also attend to -
Best wishes, Paul
cc Chris Hodges - thanks for letter and encl.
Please note full answer to your query as regards Ms. Sigg's directorship - done and advised to her
11/10/11 via email with attachment as above. Can you confirm I did NOT receive a letter to deliver to Flat 1 - but I might be wrong re: Flat 9 - if
I did receive, it's delivered - you confirmed Flat 5 (Ms Sigg) was sent direct. I will continue to chase up Flat 8's Leigh-Pemberton to receive his hard copies - Many thanks.