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P. 216

  From: Graffiti Editions Ink / Designers
Subject: Re: jAccounting for for the 2014 refurbishment at Mitre House - MHML REPLY
Date: 17 October 2016 at 10:34
To: Michele Hillgarth
Bcc: Brown-Constable Paul Neville
 Dear Michele,
Thank you for your email - I have replied to your points below in BOLD.
Any lessee who requests further information subsequent to your email will be forwarded this reply and a copy of my most recent correspondence dated 29 September 2016 with your Solicitor, but with a suggestion they (lessees) refer back to you for further clarification, as all other miscellaneous "non figures in the table below" alleged insinuations have been covered ad nauseum in reams of correspondence with your Solicitor since initial receipt of his 23rd March 2016 letter and you have made clear you required me to restrict my reply to "only the figures below" which I hope I have done (yet again) but in this particular instance to your satisfaction and comprehension.
I am not prepared nor agreeable to dealing with your separate correspondence, your Solicitor’s separate correspondence and all Mitre House lessees’ separate correspondence over the very same queries all previously explained ad infinitum. Your Solicitor has all required information, our supporting evidence of the untruths you have communicated to multiple individuals and I can no longer add anything more than that supplied to date.
You are simply perpetrating on MHML the exact same type correspondence you did with our previous Agents and I suggest you now focus your attention on your legal situation as regards your

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