Page 225 - The Big Begg_1
P. 225
I'm back from my sabbaHcal full Hme on 24th and will promptly aaend to your request(s) tout de suite and well inside your one month deadline thankfully. Even the 'ole Concierge deserves a short break now and then!
Paul Brown-Constable GraffiH EdiHons Ink
Suite 7, Mitre House
124 Kings Road
London SW3 4TP
Mbl: 07983333543
On 9 Sep 2016, at 07:54, Michele Hillgarth <> wrote:
Can I please have them today or alternaHvely can I come today ?Please confirm the
Hme .
From: Graffiti Editions Ink/Designers []
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 9:39 PM
To: Michele Hillgarth
Subject: Re: Supporting documents for 2014 refurbishment as referred in account of 2015 Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 9:39 PM
To: Michele Hillgarth
Subject: Re: Supporting documents for 2014 refurbishment as referred in account of 2015
No problemo -
Paul Brown-Constable GraffiH EdiHons Ink
Suite 7, Mitre House
124 Kings Road
London SW3 4TP
Mbl: 07983333543
On 8 Sep 2016, at 17:02, Michele Hillgarth <> wrote:
With reference to the 2015 Service charge accounts received by leaseholders on 15 March 2016 please let me have invoices and full supporHng documentaHon for the 2014 refurbishment expenditure ( as referred to on page 5 of the account ) As you know you are obliged to supply me with this documentaHon or to give me access to inspect it within one month from today date .
Michele Hillgarth