Page 10 - 20_PBC to Begg_25-5-16 (10pp)
P. 10
Further to our comment on this paragraph in your 11 May letter I would like to add to the comment I had already made on your letter, which was sent back to you with my accompanying reply of 18 May to dispel further your concerns.
“You now parade this initial offer to courier the invoices as tantamount to having sent them. But you withdrew the offer before receiving any further correspondence from me such as might reasonably have caused you to change your mind. And now you appear to be seeking legal advice to avoid producing them at all. I think this volte-face deserves explanation.”
My letter of 1st April 2016 made abundantly clear, without reservation, that I would be responding to accusations paragraph by paragraph - in fact here is the exact phrasing:
“As regards your cited number of instances suggesting the possibility of fraud on the part of MHML and its directors, I would also confirm are all denied. I am preparing at some length a comprehensive reply to each of the approximate seventy-five paragraphs in your letter of 23 March 2016, some of which maintain other misfeasances and irregularities, including a request that MHML immediately resign voluntarily to avoid a court order to enforce our dismissal based on the various malpractices your have inferred in all your corre- spondence to date based, one presumes, on statements made to you by Mrs Hillgarth.”
As regards your obtuse comment “... might reasonably have caused you to change your mind.”
You will note in our 8 April 2016 letter a denial of all accusations [that’s reasonable enough reason] and that proof was fully supplied as you well know (or certainly should do having been sent reams of copy documents, all of which disprove your client’s untruths and innuendos made to you and repeated in your correspondence to date). Evidence which deci- mated your client’s malicious vitriolic imaginations thoroughly and comprehensively. Hence our valid request for an apology and confirmation that the accusations levied were untrue. Totally false, in fact and fiction.
If that’s not a valid “might reasonably have caused you to change your mind.” best you further advise.
On receipt of that apology and confirmation, we made clear we would comply. Your reticence in confirming, or even acknowledging our correspondence due to your pneumonia and now Mrs Hillgarth’s (genuine) Sahara holiday, both apparently resulting in your inability and her inability to take delivery in your place is hardly our fault I would propose.
I am not copying this correspondence to S. Belafonte Esq/RBK&C/Tenancy Relations Officer as hopefully you are having more luck that I am in receiving comment or reply to correspondence sent to him by courier to date. I am hopeful my letters are being delivered to the correct address as there was no contact details/address etc on his initial letter to me of 22 April 2016 following your inappropriate, under the circumstances, prompting, but seemingly to little avail to date.
But I admit you might win the day re: statutory if he or you confirms that our YE2014 accounts dated 31 May 2015 can be requested of the 13 (original) Invoices outside of the statutory 6 month period which Mrs Hillgarth’s email request of 17 December 2015 would appear to indicate.
We look forward to your final comments, further threats if any, disagreements and legal reasons if any, hopefully some apologies but whatever comments might come forth, I hope we can end this total waste of both our time very promptly as indeed I too will soon be vacationing before my health deteriorates as your’s appears to be doing.
The difference being my vacation will be for months as opposed to a week and if I am taken ill, my doctor will issue you a sick note so as to properly validate my days off with full pay. And yes, my concierging will have suitable cover in my absence, whilst holidaying or in bed, as indeed I have always arranged on necessary occasions in the past.
We finally now await your client’s due adherence to her lease covenants by June 5th and if our references to RBK&C’s District Surveyor are soon acted upon, as regards your client’s disregard for obtaining correct planning consent and adhering to local building regulations for works executed on Flat 5 (plumbing and flooring), she will shortly be in receipt of notification for inspection.
And yes, before you mention it, one is reminded of the phrase, “people in glass houses etc”. Yours sincerely,
Paul Brown-Constable
cc Segar Karupiah/Dima International Limited
PS Please have Mrs Hillgarth confirm Michele Huguette Hillgarth or Michelle Huguette Hillgarth for legal documents. PPS Please re-read all my correspondence to date most especially the comments attached to all your correspondence to date, most relevantly your initial 13pp 23 March 2016 letter which answers all queries save for the 13 invoices.