Page 4 - PRACOT Proposal 2018
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The Preservation of Rattanakosin Art & Culture of Thailand Project (PRACOT)
By Ohm Foundations
Name of the Project: The Preservation of Rattanakosin Art & Culture of Thailand Project (PRACOT) Project Date: January 15th 2018 to September 30th, 2019
AFCP Focus Area:
1.Database Management System of the Basic Thai Classical Art Patter (Lai Thai) 2.Website Building
The Landscape of Art and Culture Preservation is going through the transformation from physical nature to the technological base. From New York to Seoul, museums are adjusting the way art and culture lives and presents. Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York began its journey 30 years ago to present the art migration from physical attributes to digital art. Tate Modern Museum in London is known for its experience enhancement of digital art. Kyoto Art Museum took a two-decade journey to complete its preservation, and enhance the art educa- tion and experience through digital platform. Countless citation of Art Preservation and Experience Enhancement through digital world, can be named around the globe. Thailand has none.
The Thai Arts and Cultural Community has a core group of artists and practitioners of approximately 4.5 million people, according the National Statistics Of ce (NSO) Survey of 2015. There are less than 200 free-lanced artists registered with the Ministry of Culture. Only one Master of the Thai Classical Art architect, recognized by the Ministry of Culture: Maestro Korkiat Thongphud. He’s the designer of the renown Royal Cremation of King Bhumiphol. Maestro of Thai Classical Art and Culture is becoming an extinct specimen.
The vestige of Thai Classical Art Maestro calls for an urgency to preserve Thai Classical Art knowledge. It should be preserved in the form that is not only reproducing Thai Classical Art for “Safe Keeping.” Preservation must also take a step beyond safety into future education, experience, and economically sound. The Preservation of Rattanakosin Art & Culture of Thailand Project (PRACOT) is proposing an alternate route of Technological Pres- ervation of Thai Classical Arts into the database. It can be freely access through a website as an Open Source for further study.