Page 12 - 2014_15CommunityRpt_FlipBookPDF
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Main Street in southern Colorado

    we are chfa

    This past year was a time of celebration as  In December, we were proud to be
    CHFA honored our 40th anniversary with       recognized for our business lending
    various events and activities. Throughout,   work. The U.S. Department of Treasury
    we also remained focused on ways to          named CHFA fourth in the nation for
    further our mission.                         successfully deploying nearly $17 million
                                                 in federal funds to help small businesses
    We launched new programs and were            access capital.
    aggressive about “cutting the red
    tape” in our home finance operations.        More details about these efforts and
    The results continue to strengthen our       our work across our three major lines of
    relationship with the mortgage lending       business during 2014 may be found on
    community, and allow us to better serve      the following pages.
    our customers.

    Additionally, we faced unprecedented
    demand for Low Income Housing Tax
    Credits (LIHTC) and CHFA’s multifamily
    loan programs, as pressure from the 2013
    floods, rising rents, and low vacancies
    exacerbated the need for affordable rental
    housing across the state.

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