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letter from
cris a. white

In 2014, CHFA celebrated its 40th             What has been clear to me throughout
anniversary. As we honored this milestone,    my tenure with CHFA is that CHFA’s
we were reminded of the organization’s        commitment to increasing affordable
historical achievements and the many ways     housing and strengthening our state’s
we’ve evolved to respond to Colorado’s        economy has never faltered. Even as
changing housing and economic                 we’ve navigated various economic
development needs.                            environments, our mission always led
                                              us in the right direction. Our mission
Originally, CHFA was created in 1973          is our compass. I commit to our
to strengthen affordable housing in           partners and customers, that this will
Colorado. In 1982, CHFA’s mission was         remain unchanged as we continue our
expanded to include helping Colorado          momentum, and strive even further to
businesses access capital. Much has been      make a lasting difference in the lives
accomplished since then. Since 1974,          and communities of those we serve
the year we commenced operations,             throughout the state.
CHFA has:
                                              Cris A. White
 •	 Financed 143,100 housing units,           CHFA Executive Director and CEO
    including 84,472 single family
    homes and 58,628 multifamily
    rental homes; and

 •	 Helped 3,670 small business access
    capital to support 49,570 jobs.

Combined, these activities reflect more
than $10.7 billion invested into
Colorado’s economy.

I am tremendously proud of these
accomplishments, but we did not achieve
these milestones alone. CHFA is propelled
by our partners, including lenders,
developers, real estate brokers, nonprofits,
and community leaders from all across
the state. We are grateful to all who have
supported CHFA’s mission and contributed
to our progress during the last 40 years.
Your devotion to the work that we do
has formed our journey, and helps us tell
a story of prolific support and outreach.
Featured in this community report is
a “40 years: 40 stories” tribute to that
journey and our customers. I hope you
enjoy seeing the catalogue of events and
activities that have shaped our history.

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