Page 32 - Yearbook issue try out
P. 32
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utting IT in
Putting IT into spirituality
“ Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the
midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Father MARCUS WALKER, Rector of Great St
Bartholomew and our Honorary Chaplain, sends us his thoughts and prayers
OCKDOWN swung into place at remarkable
speed, with it the closure of all churches. This
Lcouldn’t be sidestepped: COVID-19 was no
more likely to avoid churches than it was to avoid
football matches, pubs, or political protests. How
to minister to people in the midst of a pandemic,
afraid of their death or that of loved ones, some
suffering from increasingly severe mental health
problems? We had to work things out incredibly
quickly, and modern technology really came into
its own.
As someone addicted to social media, I have
always been proud that St Bartholomew the Father Marcus grapples with a church mouse
Great is the home church of WCIT. I hope this year It has been worth it. Our transformation into a
the Company has had cause to be proud of us in church that functions in person and online had to
return. happen. It has opened our doors to people who
had previously been excluded: those who live too
We were the first church to go back inside our far away, those in care homes, those too ill to come
building to film services after the lockdown. along more often.
Our choir led the way, singing complex musical
settings, recording their parts from home, and Most importantly, our online services seem to
enabling us to deliver as professional a broadcast have helped people during a profoundly difficult
as we could, with limited resources, to give people
a spiritually uplifting experience. time in their lives. I have received many messages
from people saying how the sight of the church
they knew so well, of the members of the choir
This paid dividends. Our own physical
congregation was dispersed, but has been joined singing from home, of people reading or praying
by people who feel a real connection to the from home, anchored them at a time of great
parish from across the country and the world. uncertainty and fear. On this basis, the words from
During Easter, our recorded services reached the Gospel of St Matthew above have proved to be
thousands. Over the weeks we realised that people just as relevant in our virtual environment.
were worshipping with us from the US, Latin
America and Africa. A lovely message came from I have felt extremely proud to be chaplain of WCIT
Australia: a couple who had been married in St and look forward to seeing where we all go as this
Bartholomew’s 50 years ago were able to celebrate new world develops – and how we can help others
their anniversary watching a service from that very learn to thrive in it too.
The year 2020 has been when IT truly came of age.
It didn’t happen without a lot of work. We It has transformed churches; it’s now for us to see
have thrown a lot of money at getting the right how we can, in turn, use it to transform lives.
equipment, and I have had to become an expert in
the technology (well, vaguely proficient at least), I hope and pray that in these difficult times we
something they didn’t think to teach us about in can all find comfort and strength in God’s love and
Theological College ten years ago. presence.