Page 40 - Yearbook issue try out
P. 40

The Lord Mayor’s Show

                                  house behind
         Powerhouse behind
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         the historical rituals
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         A relentless round of drinks receptions? Archaic and arcane pageantry?
         Men parading in funny hats? And don’t forget the pikes. Is that all the City is

         about? Is it all just a big “so what?”  STEFAN FAFINSKI looks a little deeper

                UR detractors, and even some of our            Mayor and the civic team promote all aspects
                members, might think this parties-dinners-     of UK financial service industries, host visiting
         Oand-ceremony description is a fair cop.              foreign government ministers, businessmen and
         Indeed. It happens, after all.But the City – and      dignitaries, and conduct several foreign visits.
         WCIT, as part of that civic structure – do so much
         more than that. Otherwise it wouldn’t have            These responsibilities extend to London more
         survived as an institution for so many centuries.     broadly, and to the whole UK. And WCIT supports
                                                               the Corporation, notably when it comes to
         The City of London Corporation – the governing        governance and leadership; to promoting our
         body of the “Square Mile” – is dedicated to a         industry and the City as a whole; and our major
         thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable   charitable and social commitment, often at a
         London within a globally-successful UK. The Lord      strategic level.

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