Page 10 - E-BOOK PBA FIX_merged
P. 10

Types of Narrative Text

                                                 A fable is a short allegorical narrative making
                            FABEL                a moral point, traditionally by means of animal
                                                 characters  who  speak  and  act  like  human


                                                  A legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived
                                                  both  by  tellers  and  listeners  to  take  place  within  human
                                                  history. Typically, a legend is a short, traditional and historic
                                                  narrative performed in a conversational mode.

                                                  Fairy  tale is  an  English language  term  for  a type  of
                                                  short  narrative  corresponding  to  the  French  phrase
                         FAIRY TALE
                                                  “conte  de  fée”.  A  fairy  tale  typically  features  such
                                                  folkloric characters as fairies, goblins, elves.

                                                 Myth  is  a  traditional  or  legendary  story,
                            MYTH                 usually  concerning  some  being  or  hero  or
                                                 event, with or without a determinable basis of

                                                 fact or a natural explanation.

                                                 Science  fiction  is  fiction  based  upon
                      SCIENCE FICTION            some imagined development of science,
                                                 or upon the extrapolation of a tendency
                                                 in society.

                                 Let’s move to the next material about reading a story
                                                The Story “ Malin Kundang”

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