Page 5 - E-BOOK PBA FIX_merged
P. 5


              1.  Basic Competencies and Competency Achievement Indicators (GPA)

                              Basic competencies                Competency Achievement Indicator


                  3.5 Distinguishing social functions, text structure,  3.5.1  Identify the social function, text structure,

                     and  linguistic  elements  of  several  oral  and  and linguistic elements of the narrative text.

                     written narrative texts by giving and asking for  3.5.2  Arrange random paragraphs into coherent

                     information related to folk legends.       narrative  texts  in  accordance  with  logical

                                                                systematic both orally and in writing.

                  4.5 Capturing contextual meaning related to social  4.5.1 Presenting the content of narrative text using

                     functions,  text  structure,  and  linguistic  simpler language according to social function, text
                     elements  of  simple  narrative,  spoken  and  structure, and linguistic elements

                     written  texts  related  to  folk


              2.  Subject Matter

                 The subject matter of this teaching material are : A. Introducing social functions, text structures, and

              linguistic characteristics of narrative texts. B. Capturing contextual meanings related to social functions,

              text structures, and  linguistic elements of  simple narratives, spoken and written texts related to folk


                          SMA/ SMK/ MA GRADE X-NARATIVE TEXT
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