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                       Praise be to God Almighty, because of His grace, the author can finish the textbook entitled

                 'Narrative Text' smoothly. This book was written to help teachers and students who need various

                 materials and enrichment on Narrative Text.

                       In this book, it is written how the contents of the narrative text used to introduce culture in

                 simple language and also how the material presented is relevant to the subject of English which

                 is an alternative guide for students and teachers who are taking the study.
                       The author also thanks the various parties who have helped so that this book is finished

                 very well, namely:
                 1.    Prof.Dr. Desak Putu Parmiti, M.S. as the supporting lecturer

                 2.    Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda Sukmana, S.Kom., M.Pd. as the supporting lecturer

                 4.    Alexander Hamonangan Simamora, S.E.,M.Pd. as the supporting lecture

                 3.    Other parties that cannot be mentioned one by one.

                       The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings in writing this textbook, for that

                 the author expects suggestions and constructive criticism for improvement. Hopefully this book

                 can be useful for writers and readers.

                 Singaraja, 19 Desember 2022

                    i      SMA/ SMK/ MA GRADE X-NARATIVE TEXT
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