P. 3
How brushing with new Ipana helps you
protect your gums as you protect your teeth
-altL®rities agree-you can lose more (eeth from gum troubles than A powerful decay-fighter, too -destroys more decay bacteria (Lan any other
Lul decay. It's a fact-after age 14, gube'm troubles-cause mo+e loss of leading brand. Ipana with Hexa-Fluoride helps fight tooth decay, too, because
tH± tfian tooth decay. Gum troubles are often caused by tartar that forms it combines hexachlorophene a;„cZ fluoride. Laboratory tests pi.ove that Ipana
- Tthen soft film is not cleansed away. Only your dentist can remove with Hexa-Fluoride kills more decay germs than any other leading tooth
-I-it hardens. But the film-removing agents in new Ipana with Hexa- paste-fluoride or not ! If your stol.e doesn't have Ipana with the ``-oi.d "Hexa-
±E± belp you brush away soft film i)e/07.e it hardens into tartar that Fluoride" on the box, it will
±±± and inflames gums. That's why proper bi.ushing, according to the be there soon. (Not available
Ledirerdons, can help prevent gum ti.ouble due to tartar before it starts. in some western states.)
The fluoride tooth paste that tastes good