P. 2
<< Department Commander contirlued from page 1 to the 1 st District, 7th District and the 9th
bring the District Posts together for a great District for allowing me to visit with your A 27-2 National:Washington(onferen{e *
5pecial thanks to Sonny Decker, John Edens, 1-31 Women.s History Month
Burl Thomas, Bruce Carl, George Bograkos, 1 Scholarship Appli(ations Due
I am glad that many of the District Johnny Castro, Chris Hamriclq Michael 1 Mardi Gras
Commanders are stepping up in their Raymond, and Eunice Butts for escorting me 2 Read Across America Day
2 Membership 90% Goal
responsibilities, some Districts are holding to the Posts in these Districts. The visits are
2 Ash wednesday
training on the Year-End Reports, ensuring always great and informational. During the 24 National: Dept servi(e offi(ei school *
that Posts are reporting all that they do. Round Table discussions, Eunice, Michael,
3 Navy Reserve Birfuday
Others are training their Post's incoming Cchris, and I learned a lot, heard a lot, and 3 Area (ommander visitation: Post 5
officers, to help make certain that the Posts wrere inspired by what you're doing at the 4 Huga GI Day
will have a better start next year with their
post level. Please keep up the good work you 4 Employee Appredation Day
New Officers. If your District Commander cto within the community for our veterans 4-5 Dept (ommandeJ's visit: District 4 ®
is not encouraging training, ask them why. and children. 5 5eabee Birthday
Running a Post is not easy, and doing it 5 Distncl 2: Meeting
Awards, Awards, Awards! Now is the time 5 District 8: Meeting
correctly is even harder. Ask for the training.
to speak out and received the Awards you 5 Post 316: Oyster Roast and shrimp Dinner
As you know, the National Commander dleserve. Over the years Department receives 6 American Legion Night at Jacksonville I(emen
made a visit to the Department of Florida, fewer and fewer requests for Department 8 lnteinatlonal women'5 Day
February 2-9. A special thank you for the Awards. Look under floridaleaion.ore/ 11 Oratorical: Department walk Thru
friendship and hospitality received from Post resources/Leaionroostrdocuments/Droarams 12 0ratoiical: Department (ompetition ®
347, the Riders attending the ALR Summit, for the listing and applications for the 12 District 1 5: Meeting
12 AIR chapter 57: 7th Annual (hili tookoff
the Central Area Commander, 7th,15th, and aavailable awards. You have an opportunfty
13 K-9 Veterans Day
16th District Commanders and staff, Auxiliary for up to seventeen awards, not counting:
13 Daylight savings lime Begins
Units, S.A.L Squadrons, Riders Chapters PostoftheYear,Commanderofthevear, 14 Baseball: Rulebook (hanger Due
within all thirty-three Central Area Posts. LegionnaireoftheYear,etc.Applyforthem, 15 Legion Link: Articles Due
ysu and your Post have earned them! 15-19 Dept com mander's visit: Distnct 6 ®
The week we spent among our members of
Submit your paperwork to receive your 15 American Legion Birthday *
the Central Area will remain with us forever. athowledgment. 15 Area (ommandervisitanon: Post 334
We're proud to announce the National
17 St. Patri(k'§ Day
Commander's Charity, Veterans & Children's I hope to see all Of you on my travels. After 19 Distnct 3: Meeting
Foundation, raised almost $20,000 that all we are brothers and sisters, in War and in 19 Post 266: Birthday celebration
week. Thank you for what you do! Peace. 19 Ed Llnde Bencht & Poker Run
I would be remiss for not sharing my thanks 19 ALR (haptei 401 : Poker Run forwest Nassau
19 District 14: Meding
19 Karen Rivers Memorial pokei flun
19 Distnct 9: Spring pimic
19 (entral Area Ball ®
20 First Day of spring
20 Distnct 1: Training
20 ALR (hapter 81 : Monthly
ZI Area (ommander visitation: Post 148
22 Area (ommander visitation: Post 79
23-26 Dept (ommander's visit: District 16 ®
25 Medal of Honor Day
Eunlce Butts, 1 st \/ice Commander for many more members. please continue 26 Post 394: ALR Poker Run
1 stvice@leaionmail.ora to do "Buddy Check5'. 26 (hallenge 22 Event & Walk
26 Dlstrict t6: Family Meeting and pi(nit
I am very proud of
Congratulations to all posts that have 26 District 13: Familyveteran 5uiddeAwareness Event
Zone 2 and their many 26 Distnct l5: PD(PDP Dinner
accomplishments reached their 100% plus membership. 29 National vietnam war veterans Day
To the district and area commanders
achieved in 31 Membership "Race to the Top" Goal
membership and thank you for yoilr goals & percentages in 31 Baseball: Domidle Establishment Deadline
membership. Eastern Area Commander and
prog ra ms. However, ® Commander Jeny Brandts Attendance Tchtative.
our work is not done, 6th District Commander keep striving for
* National Event
and we still have room lst Vice ComrTlar\der continued on page 3 >> Eventsaresutyecttochange.Addltionaldctailscanbefoundat
w\^nwioridaleaion ora, We share the informatton we are pwided.