P. 4

MARCH2o22                                                               THELE010NLINK `                                 VoLUMEXXXISSUE8

          D~Boland,NEC                        American Legion activities, reminding the  now an estimated  121,000 Riders and 2,100
          necrfuionmailon                     public of the honorable nature of military  Chapters worldwide.
                         The American Legion
                                                                                 ALR annually conducts the American
                         Riders (ALR) program is
                                              Like so many other successful national  Legion Legacy Run, a cross-country multi-
                         a nationally recognized
                         association of American  programs, the American Legion Riders  day motorcycle event. As many as 500
                                              simply started with an idea at a local post.
                         Legion, American Legion                                 participants ride mole than  1,000 miles from
                                              In  1993, members of Garden City, Mich.,  a predetermined starting point, ending at
                         Auxiliary, and Sons of
                                              and Post 396 conducted a motorcycle  the national convention city. Since 2006, the
                         The American Legion
                         members who enjoy the  activity to raise money and advance the  Legacy Run has raised more than $12 million
                         sport and comradeship  post's causes. Word quickly spread. Within  for the American Legion Legacy Scholarship
                                              months, new ALR chapters were forming at  Fund. These American Legion Family
          of motorcycling. It supports the aims and
          objectives of The American  Legion along  posts nationwide. Chapters now exist in 54  members truly are "Riding for American's
                                              departments of The American Legion, with  Future.„
          with local, state, and national programs and
                                              many outside the United States. There are
          charities. ALR is one of the most visible of
           Earn A Faith-Based IAental IIealth ute Coach Certificate
           BanyRoberts,Chaplain               and loving others with the most intimate  around the state enrolled in the program. If
           chaDlain@leaionmail.ora            sacrifice possible, their lives.  Remember to  you would like to know more please email
                          lt was an honor and  acknowledge your Chaplain's service to your  me at bwroberts@rocl(  or call
                          privilege to participate  Post and community by submitting them for  me at 863-661 -9999.
                          and witness several 4  an award.
                          Chaplains ceremonies                                   Let'S be proactive together in preserving
                          in February.        As part of our Challenge 22 efforts,I  "ForGodandcountrvandle{sbe
                          The 4 chaplains     have been in contact with the American  proactive together in reaching out into our
                          demonstrated a living  Association of christian Counselors, and  communities and serving our veterans and
                          example Of John 15:13  we are being offered a faith-based Mental  ttheir famHies. Lets be proactive together
                           uGreater love has no
                                              Health Life Coach Certificate through Legion  and go heto somebody. . „
                          man than this than a  Church.  It is about 45 hours of online
           man lay down his life for his friends". Thctir  training, and the $2,400 tuition has been  I am here for you, feel free to join and
           service and sacrifice demonstrated the  waived, so the only cost is a $54.00 admin  participate on Facebook,  wwwfacebook.
           condition of their hearts for loving God  fee. I already have several people from  com/floridaleaionchaDlairis

          Historian,PhilipCto`ithamel         paper or heavier card stock, you do not have  up or down arrow and the photo will either
          historian@Ieaionmail.ora           to use sheet protectors.  This will allow you  enlarge or shrink to the size you want.  and
                                             to print on both sides and make your book a  lastly, make sure you use a 3-ring binder up
                         There isn't a lot of news
                         to tell right now, but  little slimmer.  When adding pictures MAKE  to 3 inches thick.
                                             SURE that they are labeled or identif ed.
                         l'd like to share a quick
                                              Points come off when judging all photos.  Any other comments or questions please feel
                                              Ensure photos are scaled appropriately.  free to contact me by e-mail.  Good LuckTo
                                              I find that if you use Microsoft Word or  All!
                         When compiling your
                                              Powerpoint this is easily done.  When you
                         If you use heavy bond  double-click a photo using these programs
                                             a sizer appears in the program.  Just hit the
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