P. 8

MARCH 2022                                                               THELECIONLINK `                                 V0LUMEXXXISSUE8

                      << Law&Ordercontlnuedfrompage7      loved or\es.           Report.
          bbeen upgraded to fair. But "he has a long
          way to go," he said.                I researched the following:        In conclusion my brother as sister
                                              Firefighters Killed in the line of duty in 2021  Legionnaires (Law & Order Chairs) it is
          The three firefighters who died were Lt. Paul  62 fatalities in the U.S. 37 related emergency  imperative that we honor these hero's. Time
          Blltrim,\^/hohadbeenwiththeDepartment  incidents. 33 died from heart attacks.  18  is short please send your applications in to
          for 16 years; Kelsey Sadler, a  15 year  from activities.   12 non fire scenes. 8 while  the Department (care of Bekki "bbs) for Law
          department veteran; and Kenny Lacayo, who  responding or returning from emergency  Officer, Firefighter. Paramedic of the year.
          hhad been with the Department for seven  incidents.
          years. AIl Of which leave behind families and  Reporting: U.S. Fire Administration Annual

           Homelessness On TI\e Increase
           Deb Wheeler, Women \feterans       Summit to be held on March 5th at Post 273,  children away to family members in order
           womenveterans@leaionmail.ora       Madeira Beach.  The event will be held at 2  to find shelters.  As you all know family
                          Spring!!            pin and involves the 15 and 16th Districts  shelters are few and far between.  They
                                              but all Women Veterans are welcome.  This  are the last to ask for help due to pride,
                          March indicates the
                                              will be the 1 st of more to come. This will be a  embarrassment.  Put flyers in soup kitchens,
                          beginning of spring,
                                              ca5ual brainstorming and sharing event with  churches, etc.  We are the American
                          daylight savings, sun
                                              a guest speaker.  Looking forward to seeing a  Legion and together to can assist these
                          and growth.  Flowers
                                              lot of our sisters together.       women with the programs in the VA, the
                          and new life begins
                                                                                 American Legion, and other sisterveterans
                          after winter.
                                              The increasing number of homeless female  Organizations.  No veteran should ever be
                                              veterans is increasing due to rental increases.  left behind male and female, without our
                          To start I am proud to
                                              A lot Of younger female vets are giving their  intervention the 22 a day will continue.
           announce our 1 st regional Women Veterans
          Veterans Expo Results
          ha]rryRoberts,VAEntitlements        veteran suicides a day that happens throughout  •    First counseling orlando
          veteransbenefits@leaionmail.ore     our nation. We feel that there is no one cure in  •   TheGreyTeam
                                              fighting this epidemic, whether it be counseling,  •    I GotYour6 (lGY6) Foundation
                         I want to thank Jim                                       •    K9Line
                         VAneland and the Legion  group activities, service animals, orjust being in  •    Liberty-OVE
                                              the right place at the right time.
                         Riders for allowing me to                                 '    Paint22
                         teach two classes at the  In fact, there are already organizations that  •    SOFMissions
                         Riders Summit and give a  are providing their service for mental health  •   Veterans counseling veterans
                         presentation on the results  to veterans and their families. Using a vetting  •    Norman Bissel, LMHC
                         of Post 69's Veterans  process to identify credible sources, Florida
                         Expo. I can't thank the  programs are invited to join us by coming  Through various Challenge 22 events, PROJECT:
                         Ridersenoughfortheir  together to serve our veteran com munity better.  VetRelief's goal is to raise awareness on the
                         hospitality. On behalf of  Organizations will need a track record working  staggeri ng statistic on veteran suicide. Whether
                         the PVR Board, l'd like to  with veterans, have resu lt-based references, and  it's a ruck walk, educational seminar, or
          also express my thanks, as they collected just  have values aligned with our mission.  speaking engagement, there's no shortage of
          under $50,000 for PROJ ECT: VetRelief du ring the                      opportunities to alert our communities on the
          Summit.                             PROJECT:VetReliefwillnotonlyworktowards  importance of mental health within our veteran
                                              establishing a statewide net`^rork but also  communities and understanding the severity of
                               As a reminder,  provide financial support to our strategic  Post-Traumatic Stress.
                               the Suicide    partners by sponsoring veterans through their
                               Pi.evention    existing programs or allowing them to expand  Please reach out to me if your post would like
                               Initiative  (Spl)  their services.                to host an event. I would be more than glad to
           bun-"r.   lyriir r."nmhfl  nrm romringivH.  under PVR, was            assist you and post in planning an event like this.
                               formed to do our  Below is a list of our current strategic partners.
          part in making a dent in the tragic statistic of 22  •    22Zero

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