P. 18
Other committees
Your post may need additional committees, depending on the programs and activities offered, including:
Sons of The Amei.ican Legion (SAL) Supervises the Sons of The American Legion squadron in its
organization, actMties and programs.
American Legion Riders (AIR) Supervises the American Legion Riders chapter in its organization,
activities and programs.
Graves Registration and Memor]als Ftecords, marks and decorates graves of deceased veterans, renders
service and comfort to bereaved families, and provides American Legion military funeral honors when
uniformed Groups Organizes, trains, promotes and supervises uniformed groups, such as a burial detail,
color guard, chorus or firing squad.
visiting or VAVS Gives comfort and assistance to members and their families during illness or
bereavement, and visits veterans who are hospitalized or in assisted-living facilities.
uniformed groups
The American Legion pioneered the modern drum corps through post-level amateur musical drill units, and
has been adding to the beauty, excitement and precision of the modem parade since 1921.
Uniformed groups are The American Legion's "display cases,"so to speak. At parades, funerals and special
events, they advertise the Legion's size, scope and substance to the public at large; they are one of the
finest opportunities for post public relations.They afford those involved a sense of accomplishment, and a
great deal of satisfaction and enjoyment.
Any post wanting to offer uniformed group activities is encouraged to do so. There are many options from
which to choose: an ensemble or band, a color guard or firing squad, a chorus or quartet.
Every year, the national convention puts on color guard and band contests, in the following classes:
Color Guard
Military Open
Advancing and Retiring Colors
Concert Band
Exhibition Concert Band
For details and rules concerning band and color guard competition at the national convention, contact the
Convention & Meetings Division at (317) 630-1313 or go online to
Social activities
Someone once described The American Legion as an organization that came to play but stayed to work.
That describes Legionnaires, too. The majority of members join because of real or expected comradeship,
fun and social activities. A good post recognizes this, gMng as much attention to planning a social event
as it does to any other project. A post must determine the type of social activities that will appeal to the
greatest number of members, but each activity should be evaluated as to its effect on the community and
eligible veterans.
20 Tlll' t\Ml kl`':^N LFGl`)N I OfFICER'S GUIDE I 2020