P. 19
American Legion buildings
Every American Legion post is different and should reflect the community in which it is located. Not all
posts have their own building. Some are located jn country clubs; others are in community centers. Some
have clubrooms; others are simply meeting halls. Some are newly built,. others haven't been renovated or
changed since before World War 11. Some appeal to a particular type of veteran; others try to appeal to a
wide spectrum Of service. Some are landscaped and painted, while others are inside high-rise buildings.
lf post members decide they want a clubroom and/or bar, it must have the best possible operation.
Analysis of post operations
President Abraham Lincoln is said to have remarked, "A man's legs need to be long enough to reach the
ground." ln the same way, a post's membership needs to be large enough to carry on the work of the post. A
post's activities cannot exceed what the volunteers can support. Before discussing how big the post should
be, consider these questions:
I What does the post do to make a veteran desire membership?
• Doesthepost haveavisionforthefuture?
- What actMties could the post reasonably expectto offer?
I How manymemberscanthe posthandle?
I ls it satisfied with its current membership?
I What kind ofpostisitwhattypeofpostdoes itwantto be?
• What is the reason for the post's existence in the community?
The answers for every post will be different, revealing which posts are capable of membership growth and
which must improve and modernize their programs before healthy membership growth can be supported.
programs around this manpower pool. Even so, this percentage of active members does not need to hover
at the same mark.
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