P. 6

Course Assessment

                           Coursework assessments involve the
                            application of knowledge to work-
                           related questions. They require you to
                          explore issues in the workplace relevant
                            to paraplanning. The aim is that you                                                                                   Projects
                            should thereafter be able to apply this                                                                       Projects are an easy way to
                                 learning in the workplace.                                                                                  integrate literacy and
                                                                                                                                          creativity into learning and
                                                                                                                                            assessment. Projects are
                                                                                                                                           inherently flexible, including
                              Practical Examination                                                                                          personal or group work.
                             work situation is replicated
                              to test a candidate's ability
                                and skill in performing
                                critical and frequently                                Presentations                                           Work experience
                               performed job duties. A                 Presentation skills are extremely useful both in and              To provide support to students
                              candidate can expect to be               outside the classroom. After completing a project, a                    in work experience
                             evaluated by rater(s) who are             presentation is a channel for students to share with                   placements including
                                  experts in the field.               others what they have learned. In the world of work, a              internships, co- op placements,
                                                                       confident presenter is able to inform and persuade                service learning assignments and
                                                                                     colleagues effectively.                                       community

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