P. 8

The SWOT analysis

                                Strengths                                                                                                            Opportunities
                This element defines the skills and                                    STRENGTHS                                         Having acquired a skillset over a period
                achievements that you have acquired                                                                                      of time, you might end up thinking about
                over a period of time. From a                                    SWOT is an acronym for ‘Strength’                       what to do with them. Hunting for
                professional or academic point of                            ‘Weaknesses’ ‘Opportunities’ and ‘Threats’.                 opportunities rather than waiting for them
                view, you can list and describe the                          It’s an evaluative strategy where you pick out              is a positive characteristic. From
                skills and professional knowledge                            your weaknesses to overcome and enhance                     thousands of opportunities, choosing the
                you have acquired                                              your plus points. These four forces can                   one that is best for you is a skill you
                                                                               determine your future course of action.
                                                                                                                                         need to imbibe.
                                                   WEAKNESS                                                                 OPPORTUNITIES

                                                                            Using the SWOT analysis, individuals often find
                                                                            their unexplored talents, hence giving them the
                                                                            momentum to explore the right vocational path
                               Weakness                                    for them. It helps you extend your strengths and                              Threats
                                                                                pinpoint your shortcomings on time.
                It is also important to know your                                                                                        If you are worried about the threats
                weaknesses. This element of SWOT                                          THREATS                                        that you might encounter during your
                Analysis identifies domains where you                                                                                    career journey or while seeking
                need to upgrade or note the areas                                                                                        admission at a university, then you
                where there could be a scope of                                                                                          should know that these challenges
                improvement.                                                                                                             will end up making you stronger.
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