Page 12 - June Mag
P. 12
To overcome or avoid buyer’s remorse, we first Spend some time looking at the features you
need to understand what buyers’ remorse feel would be most important to you. (i.e., is it
actually is. Buyers’ remorse is defined as, “a suitable to the needs of your family unit and
feeling of regret experienced after making a their dynamic?) Ensuring the property in which
purchase, typically one regarded as unnecessary you are investing is suitable to not only your
or extravagant.” Simply put, you have bought needs but also your wants, would alleviate any
something that you are now regretting. Let’s post purchase pressures you might place
take a look at how we can not only overcome on the property’s ability to do so.
this overhanging cloud of regret but even avoid
it in the first place.
FOMO & Pride
Impulse Purchases
Buying your future forever home is a dream
shared amongst millions. The fact of the matter
At some point or another, we have all come is that not everybody will be financially or
across a product or service that you simply could emotionally ready for a commitment of such
not spend another moment waiting for. A magnitude. That being said, accepting this fact
product or service so enticing, all financial and taking the time to make an informed
concerns are out of the proverbial window. decision based on your personal financial and
Purchases of this nature often lead to later emotional circumstances, will allow for a much
finding that those overpriced brand name shoes wiser investment in the end. Do not let social
you simply could not live without, don’t look as pressures such as your friends and family all
great on your feet as they did on the model you owning their own properties, pressure you into
saw on TV. Soon those same shoes are sitting in believing you could take on a mortgage purely
the back of your cupboard out of site and out of because they can. The results of this could be
mind. The same can be said for those investing devastating and potentially leaving you worse off
in property. Take the time to view now than before. Swallowing your pride and
the property you intend on accepting your financial constraints will
purchasing. encourage most to take the time to speak
to your local mortgage originators and
professional property practitioners. In doing so
one can identify exactly how much they could be
approved for in terms of bond qualifications and
property specifications.