Page 13 - June Mag
P. 13

Ask Questions                                             Make the most of a purchase made
                                                               in unavoidable constraints
     With  the  advancements  in  technology  and  our
     ability  to  share  and  source  information  at  our     In  certain  circumstances,  some  have  no  choice
     fingertips,  making  an  informed  decision  should       but  to  rush  the  process  in  order  to  obtain  a
     be  easy  right?  The  unfortunate  reality  is  that     property they might feel cannot possibly be their

     buyer’s remorse can also be found in a purchase           forever home. Be it the need to house a soon to
     made  out  of  ignorance  of  the  product  or            be addition to the family, or any other financial,
     services’ T’s & C’s. Asking the right questions may       emotional or security concerns, you can learn to
     seem difficult to some but is impossible to those         make  the  most  of  a  dull  situation.  Should  you
     who don’t know what questions to ask. Speaking            feel  the  investment  you  made  is  too  small  for
     to  a  specialist  on  any  product  or  service  is      your liking, why not look at ways to do more with
     essential to understanding the full commitment            the  space  you  do  have.  With  the  innovative
     which  you  are  undertaking.  Licensed  property         advancements  in  space  saving  technology,
     practitioners are required to not only study the          people  have  been  found  to  build  homes
     constantly  changing  rules  and  regulations  that       sufficient  for  families  of  3  in  spaces  no  bigger
     guide  the  industry  on  a  day-to-day  basis,  but      than    2    commercial      shipping     containers.

     also  need  to  prove  their  knowledge  by  passing      Alternatively,  additions  can  be  made  to  the
     their  license  exam  in  order  to  practice  in  the    property at your own discretion, why not ad an

     industry.  If  you  are  fearful  of  not  being  able  to  extra room or even expand on the rooms you
     ask the right questions on your potential forever         currently have?
     home,  try  asking  broad  questions  that  could
     provide you with the information you are looking          With  a  better  understanding  on  the  causes  of
     for.  i.e.  Are  there  any  concerns  on  the  home  I   buyer’s  remorse,  we  urge  all  those  looking  to
     should know about?                                        take  the  next  step  to  speak  to  your  local
                                                               Property  Practitioner  for  advice  prior  to
     Here are some questions to ask when viewing a             committing to potentially millions at
     property:                                                 a time.
     • Why is the house on the market?
     • What are the local crime statistics?                    Buy Safe,
     •Have  you  seen  growth  in  value  in  the              Buy Smart,
     surrounding area?                                         Buy Seeff
      • Where are the nearest amenities (Schools,
       Shops, Doctors, etc.)
                   • What is the traffic like in the area?

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