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Taking the exciting next step of investing in Making your home your own
your soon to be forever home can seem Being in the fortunate position of owning your
overwhelming. With the intent to make the own property allows for your creativity to run
decision an informed one, Seeff Blouberg as wild as your budget allows. With the
would like to make the process a little easier exception of needing council approval on
by guiding those looking to take the leap. major external additions to the property, the
Read along on some of the answers to the property’s design is up to your discretion.
age-old question that is, ”Why should I buy?” There are certain additions that can be made
to a property to increase its value. With the
effects of 2020, it has become common to see
the South African workforce finding means to
WHY work from home.
This has brought an increased interest in
SHOULD properties containing extra rooms and
external granny flats with the intent to
convert to office space. With interests and
I BUY needs changing regularly, owning your own
property allows for space to fulfill those
wants and needs at any time. Be it a need for
more privacy, or an addition to the family on
? the way, the space is yours and the ball is in
your court.
It’s not a purchase, it’s an investment
With regular payments and adequate property maintenance, an investment property can be
one of the safest investments to be made. Whilst your monthly bond payments are made, not
only will the owner's credit score become considerably stronger but the property itself will
increase in value. Should the structure itself decrease in value, remember that the land on
which it was built has considerable value too. Licensed professional property practitioners are
invaluable in the process of finding your investment properties. With the help of skilled
mortgage originators such as OOBA alongside the real estate specialist of your choice, finding
the correct investment property can seem effortless. Ensuring you are investing in a property
with potential for appreciation, in tandem with a bond that is
suitable to you, is essential. 7