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     With  a  vast  majority  of  the  South  African        Getting dressed for 15 -30 min of daily exercise
     workforce  having  been  forced  to  work  from         can  force  a  change  in  mindset,  allowing  you  to
     home, Seeff Blouberg has taken the time to put          let go of any pent-up frustrations.
     together seven tips for working from home.

     1) Maintain regular hours
     We often find ourselves slipping into a lifestyle
     that unknowingly breeds stress and a constant
     feeling  of  exhaustion.  By  dedicating  specific
     time  parameters  to  your  working  hours,  the
     room  can  be  made  for  your  other  essential
     daily  tasks.  Getting  adequate  sleep,  light  daily
     exercise  and  having  a  well-balanced  diet  have
     all been found to remedy one’s stress levels on         3) Set Ground Rules in Your Space
     a  day-to-day  basis.  With  a  healthy  body  and      Working from home with a personal plan of attack is
     mind,  daily  routines  become  significantly           essential,  the  issue  lies  in  that  not  everybody  lives
     easier.                                                 alone. For those who stay in a shared living space,

                                                             clearly  defined  grounds  rules  for  working  hours
                                                             should  be  set  in  place.  These  ground  rules  would
                                                             obviously  be  dependent  on  each  family’s  unique
                                                             dynamic.  For  example,  should  you  work  with
                                                             sensitive  legal  documentation,  it  might  be  best  to
                                                             advise  those  around  you  to  keep  your  work  space
                                                             private  and  especially  quiet  so  as  to  allow  for  a
                                                             conducive work environment.

     2) Start a pre- and post-work routine

     Ones  work  day  can  be  greatly  affected  by
     how  they  start  their  day  and  even  how  the
     previous  day  came  to  an  end.  By  getting  up
     and  getting  dressed,  you  mentally  prepare
     yourself  to  take  action  on  the  day  that  lies
     ahead.  Creating  a  to-do  list  for  the  tasks  to
     come  will  significantly  improve  your  work
     flow.  Finishing  your  day  by  changing  out  of
     your preferred work attire, will allow for the
     stress  to  fall  away  along  with  the  wardrobe
     you once wore.                                      11
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