Page 10 - The Dental Entrepreneur
P. 10

The Dental Entrepreneur

      The Entrepreneur Mindset

                     Wantrepreneur                                  Entrepreneur

                  Focused on making money                       Laser focused on service

              Thinks that people are to be used           Knows that people are to be inspired

                           No Goals                             A carefully crafted life plan

                         Time wasters                      Know that time is the most valuable
                                                                     form of currency
                        Love meetings                                  Love results

                         Fear of failure                                 Fearless

                        Make excuses                                 Make it happen

                     Think it is about them                     Know it is about the team

                      Want it all right now                  Understand delayed gratification

                       Chronic worriers                   Have read and understood Emerson’s
                                                                “Essay on Compensation”

                         Procrastinate                              Do it now attitude

                      Look for quick fixes                          Life long learners

                      Defeated by failure                            Embrace failure

                    Think about the future                          Act on their future

                      Feel very uncertain                     Deeply believe in their vision

                        Are play acting                              Are the real deal

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