Page 7 - The Dental Entrepreneur
P. 7
The Dental Entrepreneur
I doubt I’ll ever go back to corporate
work. Once you see the light, there is
no turning back.”
Magnus Jepson, Woo Themes
What Did You Sign Up For ?
On your very first day of dental school, I pose a very simple question. How many of you chose
dentistry as a profession for the opportunities it gives you to be an independent, self employed,
make your own decisions, captain of your own ship kind of individual. The vast majority of
students will always raise their hands. Fast forward 4 years and it is graduation. Lets revisit
that same question and see how many individuals feel as if they are on that path. Only a
smattering of hands go up. What happened in the preceding 4 years. Many things.…
Dental education is at a true pivot point historically in my view. Dental schools are pricing
themselves into the stratosphere. There is a tremendous shortage of qualified faculty because
these jobs are not valued properly. Schools are struggling to keep up with the marketplace
technological changes and student loan interest rates are a disgrace. Most distressing, private
equity money from Wall Street is pouring into the marketplace by the hundreds of millions to
capitalize on a golden moment. To give you a JOB and take away your CAREER.
A combination of the poor business preparation of nearly all dental school graduates and the
staggering debt loads that the average graduate carries is preventing new graduates from
taking the additional risk of becoming what I call the Dental Entrepreneur.
Students are beginning to question
“What exactly did I sign up for”
Since my first short stint as a dental school professor in the mid 90’s to my last five years,
which included the creation of what I call a mini MBA in a practice management, I have always
had a passion for assisting young dentists. More specifically helping young dentists achieve
independence, because deep in my heart, I believe that is what you signed up for!
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