Page 308 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 308
The collection includes the following texts:
1. Taishang yuzhou liuzi jue :k L I-: 'ffI ;\ '7- ~ (Instructions on the Six Sounds
[of Breathing] According to the Highest Jade Axle) by Zou Yingbo ~J~ JJ!
1W (Song). This text was first included in Zou's Yanzhanji &flil'lt (Col-
lection of Fiery Talks) and was used later by his grandnephew, the Yuan
doctor Zou Xuan ~~ f~, in the Shouqin yanglao xinshu ~,)':M. ft 1t lfJT ~
(New Writings on Fostering the Longevity and Nourishing the Old Age
of One's Parents). (On the "six sounds of breathing" see the entry *liuzi
2. Huanzhen xianshengfu nei yuanqi jue fJ J't 7t I ~~ i*J j[; *t ~R: (Instructions
on the Ingestion of the Inner Original Breath According to the Elder of
Illusory Perfection), based on a work found in the Taoist Canon in sev-
eral versions, one of which (CT 828, and YJQQ 60.14a-27a; mid-eighth
century) has the same title as the present text.
3. Li zhenren changsheng yishiliu zi miaojue :$ ~ A ~ "t. ~ + ;\ * flt) ~ (Won-
drous Instructions on [the Method of] Long Life in Sixteen Characters by
the Perfected Li). These instructions are also found in *Leng Qian's (ca.
13IO-ca. 1371) Xiulingyaozhi 11~@'1* fr (Essential Purport of the Cultivation
of Longevity), and are similar to those in Hu Wenhuan's M)(~ (late
sixteenth century) Leixiu yaojue ~1i 11~ ~ fiR: (Essential Classified Instruc-
tions on Self-Cultivation). The identity of Perfected Li is unknown.
4. Taixi biyao gejue ~;'j )~H'l,~m:~ (Songs and Instructions on the Secret
Essentials of Embryonic Breathing). A similar text is also found in an
identically-titled work in the Taoist Canon (CT 131; trans. Huang Jane
1987--90, I: 49-54). (On "embryonic breathing" see the entry *taixi.)
5. Siji yangsheng ge R1l2J:. ± ilfJ: (Songs on Nourishing Life According to the
Four Seasons), containing selections from the *Xiuzhen shishu (Ten Books
on the Cultivation of Perfection). The first section, on the "six sounds
of breathing," is attributed to *Sun Simiao (fl. 673) in the Xiuzhen shishu
(19.7a). The next six sections, describing *daoyin movements beneficial for
the five viscera (*wuzang), come from the Huangting wuzang liufu tu jt ill
nJW~;'\ JlJl1111 (Charts of the Five Viscera and the Six Receptacles, Accord-
ing to the Scripture of the Inner Effulgences of the Yellow Court; Xiuzhen
shishu 54), a text which in turn is derived from the Huangting neijing wuzang
liufu buxie tu jtilli*J~n.;\JlJl1:fm~1Il (Charts of the Strengthening
and Weakening of the Five Viscera and the Six Receptacles, According
to the Scripture of the Inner Effulgences of the Yellow Court; preface
dated 848; CT 432), attributed to Hu Yin tA 't~ of Mount Taibai (Taibai
shan * Bill, Shaanxi). The final section, on a daoyin method attributed
to *Ui Dongbin, corresponds to Xiuzhen shishu 24.3b.