Page 339 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 339

300                T H E  ENCYC LOP EDI A  OF  TAO ISM   A- L

                                Danfang jianyuan

                      Mirror-Origin of the Alchemical Methods

        Compiled by Ougu Tao ¥Ill f}[ r~ in the middle of the tenth century, this work
        (CT 925) consists of an enumeration of about 240 substances used in *waidan.
        The samples are classified into twenty-five sections according to their nature,
        appearance, or color (e.g.,  Salts, zhuyan ~m.; Sands, zhusha ~~; Yellows,
        zhuhuang ~ ji![), with short notes describing their properties. With the * Shiyao
        erya and theJinshi bu wujiushujue ~:fi1@1i ::hJt!:1lk: (Instructions on an Inven-
        tory of Forty-Five Metals and Minerals; CT 907; Pregadio 1997), both dating
        from the Tang period, the Danfangjianyuan is one of the main sources on the
        use of materia medica in waidan. None of these three texts belongs to the main
        literary tradition of pharmacology, so  they provide information not always
        found in the standard pharmacopoeias.
          The main source of the Danfang jianyuan is  an anonymous text dating
        from the middle of the eighth century, entitled Danfangjingyuan fJ-JJHJtiW,
        a Song or later alchemical collection, the Qianhongjiageng zhibao jieheng iff *
        (Mirror-Origin of the Chamber of the Elixirs) and partly preserved inj. 4 of

        Ej3 J5f(t ~ ~ ~ AA  (Complete Collection on the Ultimate Treasure Made of Lead
        and Mercury,jia [= Real Mercury] andgeng [= Real Lead]; CT 919). Both the
        Danfangjianyuan and its source are available in a critical edition by Ho Peng
        Yoke (I9S0),  based on a comparison with quotations in Li Shizhen's ::$=ffiJft
        (OMB S59- 65) Beneao gangmu *1jt~ §  (The Pharmacopoeia Arranged into
        Headings and Subheadings; ca.  1593) and with a Japanese manuscript dated
        IS04 (on the edition of the Taoist Canon on which this manuscript is based,
        see Barrett 1994a).
                                                        Fabrizio PREGADIO

        III  Fung and Collier 1937 (part. trans.); Ho Peng Yoke 19S0 (crit. ed.); Meng
        Naichang 1993a, 65-67; Needham 1976, ISO- SI
        * waidan
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