Page 423 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 423


       on Mount Jichou (Jichou shan  ;:;t~ Ill, Zhejiang). A stele by the famous
       painter and calligrapher Zhao Mengfu Mi:tihJFff  (1254-1322).  who was one of
       Du's friends,  also attributes to Du the founding of the Yuantong guan ;c.@
       Ill.  (Abbey of Primordial Pervasiveness) in Huzhou Wl1+1  (Zhejiang). and a
       collection of literary materials said to amount to ten thousand scrolls.
          Three texts in  the Taoist Canon bear witness to Du Daojian's exegetical
       and editorial work. The first is the Daode xuanjing yuanzhi :@: it ~ i:~ 'Jj{ §' (The
       Original Purport of the Mysterious Scripture of the Dao and Its Virtue; CT
       702) in four juan. a commentary to the Daode jing in which Du brings together
       the teachings of this scripture and those of the *Yijing.  The second is  the
       Xuanjing yuanzhi fahui  ~ #Jlf JJji §' ~ j=J:Ii  (Clarification of the Original Purport
       of the Mysterious Scripture; CT 703) in two juan. containing a supplementary
       exegesis of the Daode jing based on *Shao Yong's work. The third text is  the
       Tongxuan  zhenjing zuanyi  @~~#Jlfijt~ (Successive Interpretations of the
       Authentic Scripture of Pervading Mystery; CT 748) in twelve juan. This new
       version of the scripture.  ascribed to Laozi's putative disciple Wenzi  X f.
       was so entitled after the complete copy that Du was said to have found at the
       Tongxuan guan.ii!l KW (Abbey of Pervading Mystery) on MountJichou. This
       work established Du as the main heir of the *Wenzi's literary tradition and
       came to be considered generally as the best available version of that text.
          Poetry ascribed to Du appears in the three-juan collection entitled Gu
       Louguan ziyun yanqingji 11' ~ III ~ ~ fh JJ ~ (Anthology from the Continued
       Celebration [of the Appearance] of the Purple Clouds at the Tiered Abbey of
       Antiquity; CT 957;  Boltz]. M.  1987a,  126), compiled by Zhu Xiangxian  JK M'<.
       7'c  (fl. 1279-1308). Du was also asked to write occasional essays. One of them
       is a postscript to the Gu Louguan ziyun yanqingji ( written to sanction
       the preeminence of the *Louguan (Tiered Abbey) over the *Qingyang gong
       (Palace of the Black Ram).  two establishments founded to honor Laozi's
       legendary disciple  *Yin  Xi.  Another example is  a preface dated 1306  to the
       *Zhonghe ji (Anthology of Central Harmony). a collection of *Li Daochun's
       teachings edited by Cai Zhiyi 1X L &C!  (fl. 1288-1306).
                                                        Gregoire ESPESSET
       W  Boltz]. M. 1987a, 218-19; Kandel 1974. 49-56; Qing Xitai 1994.  I: 351-53; Sun
       K'o-k'uan 1981. 240-2; Zhan Shichuang 1989, U6-27
       %:  Xuanjiao                               \
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