Page 15 - Magazine
P. 15
Appreciate the story selection.
Genuine Love for Reading (GLR) aims to trigger the schema of the
GLR sets the mood of the entire reading Lesson.
GLR prepares learners for the actual reading of the text.
In the GLR stage, teacher establishes proper mind set, activates the
students’ schemata,
Introduced the theme and motivates them to read the passage.
Motivation influences the arousal, selection direction and maintenance
of all human behaviors.
Motivation stimulates students to acquire, transform and use knowledge
(Groccia 1992.p.62).
In Smith’s article, he summarized the motivation theory. A child’s
motivation can be viewed
As maturing through 5 phases.
The child moves from self-interest to pleasure to competition to
Weller (2005) provides these general principles of motivation in any
learning situation.
Basic principles of motivation are applicable to learning in any situation.
2. The environment can be used to focus the student’s attention on
what needs to be learned.