Page 4 - Patratu Darpan.cdr
P. 4

                                                                              ...transformin  peopl '  lif
      Superannua on Fuca on at PVUNL Ltd., Patratu  Shri Jayant Sinha, Member of Parliament, visits Patratu
      Sh. Atanu Kumar Nayak, AGM(F&A) a er giving 33 year long service to NTPC Ltd.   Sh.  Jayant  Sinha,  Member  of  Parliament  from
      superannuates on 31.01.2020 from PVUN - Patratu. A superannua on func on   Hazaribagh  area  visited  Patratu  Vidyut  Utpadan
      was organized at Plant Canteen for the occasion. Sh. S Chakrabar , CEO (PVUN)   Nigam Ltd,  Patratu on 08.02.2020.
      along with HODs and employees felicitated Sh. Nayak along with family and   Sh.  Sinha  was  welcomed  by  Sh.  Gautam  Deb,
      wished them the best for future.
                                                 GM(Projects)  along  with  HODs  and  employees.
      Sh.  Nayak  becomes  the  first  employee  to  Superannuate  from  PVUN  Ltd.  a   During  the  visit  Sh.  Sinha  reviewed  the  project
      Subsidiary company of NTPC Ltd.            construc on ac vi es and wished for comple on of
                                                 project in  me.
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