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      Workshop on Gender Sensi za on at PVUN Ltd. Patratu  Master Buyer Agreement Signed for TReDS – Patratu
      A Workshop on Gender Sensi za on at Workplace was conducted at PVUN Ltd.   A  Master  Buyer  Agreement  was  signed  between  Sh.  Sanjay  K  D  Kayasth,
      Patratu  on  13.02.2020. The  workshop  was  inaugurated  by Sh. Gautam  Deb,   AGM(C&M), PVUN Ltd. and Sh. Vivek Singh Bhakuni, SVP (Banking & Finance),
      GM(Project) along with Sh. P K Biswas, HoHR where Sh. Deb  emphasized on the   Mynd Solu ons, Gurgaon, for TReDS (Trade Receivables Discoun ng System).
      importance  of  crea ng  an  organiza onal  culture  which  promotes  Gender   This will help MSME vendors in early realiza on of their payments.
      Equality. The program was a ended by employees from PVUN Ltd, BHEL and
      CISF. Ms. Deep  Batra and Ms. Shrish  Asthana were faculty of the workshop
      from Sharpknol.
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