Page 31 - February 2022 Newsletter
P. 31

U P D A T E   F R O M

                                         M E M B E R S H I P
                                         E N G A G E M E N T

                                        C O O R D I N A T O R
                                        E M I L Y   H I N G L E

                      Hello Members and Happy February!

      I am SO excited to share about our upcoming social programming
                                 for this month!

           On Saturday 2/12 12-2pm, we will be having a Kid's Cookie
      Decorating program for Valentine's Day! Bring your little ones to the
          ramada of The Sports Club for a fun afternoon of decorating
       gourmet cookies made by our wonderful pastry chef Jessica, with
       music & hot cocoa too! Register by emailing me before we fill up!

      I'm looking to bring more and more children's programming to the
         Club. Before joining the team at The Gallery, I worked for the
      Children's Museum Tucson, so I have lots of ideas for kids! However,
      I always welcome suggestions for what to plan next by emailing me
              at or calling my directly at
                                 (520)  579-4110.

       On Saturday 2/20 we will be having a Wine Glass Etching Class at
        The Grille from 12-2pm. Students will learn how to personalize a
     wine glass safely with etching cream to take home! It will be a lovely
      afternoon. You can register by emailing me, space is very limited so
                            reserve your spot quick!

                                  Emily Hingle
                 Icon63 Membership Engagement Coordinator
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