Page 33 - February 2022 Newsletter
P. 33
The First Tee of Tucson
It has been brought to our attention that The First Tee of Tucson is in need of a Cargo Transport
Van. This vehicle will be used to carry a substantial amount of golf equipment during their
numerous club collection drives during the year, as well as tents, tables, chairs, scoreboards, etc.
This support material is needed for the dozens of golf tournaments that The First Tee organizes
and runs throughout the summer months for young kids and teens in the greater Tucson area.
Currently, The First Tee has to rent such a vehicle and hopes that one is available at the right time
and for a reasonable price.
The Monday, Wednesday, Friday golf group here at The Gallery is spearheading an effort to secure
the funds necessary to make this purchase possible for The First Tee of Tucson. With the help of
one of the community minded auto dealers in the area, the estimated cost of such a vehicle would
be approximately $30,000.
We have a long history of support for The First Tee here at The Gallery. With the enthusiastic
assistance of our Members and the collaboration of our professional staff, The Gallery has
contributed substantially over the years by providing a quality venue for youth golf tournaments,
organizing major equipment pick up days, and raising much needed funds for the youth
development programs offered at The First Tee of Tucson. This summer, we plan to sponsor a
Kids Day at The Gallery with the help of staff and volunteer members.
Over the past twelve years, the Monday, Wednesday, Friday group has focused 100% of their
charitable donations on The First Tee. Those contributions have always been directed to
educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy
choices for Tucson area youth through the game of golf.
In 2019, the Monday, Wednesday, Friday Group adopted the moniker
of long time Gallery Member and a MWF original, Jim Trapp, with excellent results. Last year,
contributions blossomed to $13,500 from dedicated MWF players, other loyal friends of Jim Trapp
and staunch supporters of The First Tee and its mission.
Most Gallery Members of significant duration knew Jim Trapp well, but for those who are new to
The Club it might be helpful to know a little bit about Jim as he was a true "force of nature"!
On the golf course, Jim was often viewed as understated, and
frequently underestimated by an unsuspecting competitor. His floppy
hat, flimsy little carry bag, and his deliberate demeanor often
disguised the true competitive nature of our good friend. When the
bell went off, though, and the match began, Jim's sweet swing, inner
drive and dogged determination took over. Jim shot his age over 300
times, he had 10 Holes in One, and
"Every shot was for the Championship!"
Most importantly however, Jim Trapp was a true gentleman both on
and off the golf course, and it's only fitting that we honor him by
encouraging a charitable donation in his name. Jim would be proud to
have his legacy associated with a cause that will directly and indirectly
impact the lives of young people in Southern Arizona through the
great game of golf.
For more information on how to donate to
The First Tee in support of this worthy cause, please click here.