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P. 127

Bifocal Lenses 117

               The prismatic effect due to the distance lens would be:
                  P = 0.5 × 3.00
                     = 1.5Δ BU
               The total prismatic effect would be 2.5Δ BU.
                  In case of minus power, the distance portion will exert base down prism.
               Consequently the prismatic effect will change depending upon the type of
               the segment shape. E-style bifocal will exert least prismatic effect in minus
               power. In case of straight top D shape bifocal which has an optical centre
               coinciding with the NVP, the vertical prismatic effect at reading level is
               due to the distance power only. Therefore, it does not change when the
               wearer switches from single vision to bifocal lens. The total vertical prismatic
               effect at the reading level is of practical importance as it determines the
               amount of transverse chromatic aberration the wearer will be subjected to.


               Transverse Chromatic Aberration (TCA) arising out of the oblique rays is
               the potential problem for the wearer of the single vision lenses as well as
               bifocal lenses. The effect of TCA is the colour fringes to be seen surrounding
               the image of the high contrast targets, while looking through a point in the
               lens away from its optical centre. As a result of the fact that bifocal segment
               is viewed through the edge of the distance lens, problems can arise due to
               TCA arising from the distance vision prismatic effect. When the prismatic
               effect at a point is known, the TCA at that point can be found by dividing
               the prismatic effect by the Abbe Number for the material which is denoted
               by V, i.e.
                  TCA = P/V
                  (Where, P stands for the prismatic effect).
                  This paraxial relationship expresses the chromatism in prism dioptres
               and the average threshold value is in order of 0.1Δ. Chromatism less than
               this value are unlikely to give rise to complaints. In case of solid bifocals
               including both glass and plastic, the chromatism can be found simply by
               dividing the total prismatic effect at the point in question by the Abbe
               Number for the material. Thus, in case of solid bifocal of + 5.00D with
               reading addition + 2.00D, made with a 24mm diameter segment and a
               segment drop of 2mm, the vertical prismatic effect at a point 6 mm below
               the segment top is given by:
                  Or,                  P = 0.8 × 5
                  Or,                  P = 4.00Δ BU
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