Page 221 - PowerPoint 演示文稿
P. 221
A Comparison between aspheric and
spheric surface 93
Advantages of anti-reflection coating 90 Compounding prism 48
Anti-fatigue lens 205 Conventional crown glass 67
Anti-reflection coating of pretended absorption characteristics 67
lenses 91 Corrected curve theory 24
Aspheric lens design 94 Current progressive lens design
Aspheric versus spherical surface 96 development 161
Astigmatic lenses 33 customized progressives 162
Atoric lenses 207 internal progressive 162
shorter corridor progressive 161
B Curvature of field 61
correction 62
Bifocal fitting 124 ocular curvature of field 62
segment height 124 Curvature of surfaces 4
segment inset 124 Curve variation factor 17
segment width 124 Cylindrical lenses 33
Bifocal lenses 102 D
characteristics 112
types 103 Designing progressive addition lens 146
cemented bifocal 107 Detection of 31, 37, 53
Franklin bifocal 108 cylindrical lens 31
fused bifocal 103 prism in optical lens 37
solid bifocal 106 spherical lens 52
Bifocal segment shapes 108 Deviation produced by prism 43
D-shaped bifocal 109 Diopteric power of lenses 29
E-style bifocal 110 Dispensing progressive addition lenses
round shaped bifocal 108 168
Bi-prism bifocals 121 facial wrap 169
Blue light hazards 82 fitting height 172
frame front adjustment 168
monocular PD for distance 170
C pantoscopic tilt 169
temple length 170
Cataract lens design 99 vertex distance 170
Cemented bifocals 120 Distortion 62
Checking lens power in aspheric lens barrel distortion 62
100 pincushion distortion 62
Chromatic aberration 55, 117 Dividing prism 44
ocular chromatic aberration 56
clinical application 57 E
influencing factors 57
Coma 60 Effect of radiant energy on ocular tissues
correction 61 65
ocular coma 61 Effect of thickness on lens power 6