Page 4 - Dania Beach
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                Visitors to the coastal city of                he sunny city traces its origins to the   ▴ A view to the
                                                               1890s, when 12 migrant families from
                Dania Beach arrive expecting             T Denmark moved to the settlement       shore where sand
                                                                                                 meets azure
               breathtaking ocean vistas and             planned by developer W. C. Valentine. Then   Atlantic waters
                                                                                                 from the Dania
                   maybe a good time at the              known as Modello, residents rechristened   Beach Pier.
                 slots, but there are so many            their town Dania as an ode to their Danish
                                                         roots, following its incorporation in 1904
               lesser-known tidbits that may             when it became the first city in Broward
                          surprise and delight.          County.
                                                           Dania soon blossomed into a major farming
                                                         hub. By the turn of the century, robust
                                                         agricultural output earned it the title of
                                                         "Tomato Capital of the World." The Roaring
                                                         Twenties brought interest in developing
                                                         seaside attractions, so in 1927 the town
                                                         purchased a strip of coastline from the
                                                         neighboring city of Hollywood for only $10.
                                                           The purchase yielded major returns for the
                                                         city, which officially renamed itself Dania
                                                         Beach in 1998 to honor its coastal treasures.

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