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long-term goals, 31–32, 38 Impasse, 114 Job listing websites, 263
prioritizing tasks and goals, 36–38, Income. See also Budgeting; Financial Job performance, 94–97
137 aid; Workplace Jobs, Steve, 116
risk-taking for, 1 college education and, 3 Job search
short-term goals, 31–32, 257 Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), cover letters, 261, 265, 273–275
SMART goal setting, 32–33, 198 297 interviews, 261, 267
in stress management, 44 INFOMINE, 152–153 resources for, 263–264
for study, 182 Informal outlines, 170 resumes, 11, 261, 265–266
taking charge of goals, 29–32, 257 Information Johnson, Ben E., 111n
teamwork and, 5 breaking into parts, 109, 110 Journalists’questions, as study tools,
thinking skills and, 10–11 CARS test for information quality, 156, 187
values in, 28–29 154–155 Jung, Carl G., 89
Golden Personality Assessment, 89 determining useful, 112, 113
GoogleDocs, 94 focusing on important, 146–147 K
Google Drive, 174 gathering in analytical/critical
Grants, 289 thinking, 109–110, 113 Keirsey, David, 87
Greek organizations, 239, 240–241 using in study process, 186 Keirsey Sorter, 87
Griff n, Ricky W., 144n Informational interviews, 267–269 Keys to Success (Carter), 31
Growth mindset, 16, 320 Information processing model of Keyword searches
Guided notes, 170 memory, 175 in research process, 152, 153
InfoTrac, 153 resume, 265, 268
Instructors Knowledge
asking for help, 91 in Bloom’s Taxonomy, 142
Handwriting disorders, 98 project teams and, 233 impact of lack of, 309
Harris, Robert, 154, 155n responsibilities of, 6 Knowledge work, 8
Hate, 308 in support system, 225–226 Kuo, Tracy, 59
Hazing, 241 teaching styles, 90–91
Health. See Mental and emotional test taking and, 197, 216 L
health; Physical health Intelligences, 82. See also Multiple
Health-harming habits, 55 Intelligences (MI) theory Lauder, Hugh, 7
Henson, Jim, 117 intelligence quotient (IQ), 10, 82 Leadership skills, 314–316
Hertz, Mary Beth, 150 Interdisciplinary majors, 256 components of leadership, 315
Hidden job market, 267–269 Interests, 252–255 leadership, def ned, 314–315
Hierarchy charts, in note-taking, 174 International Center for Academic peer leadership program, 229
Highlighting text, 143, 150 Integrity (ICAI), 16 student leaders, 315–316
Hippocrates, 85 Internships, 94, 262, 262–263 Learned optimism, 15
Hippo Water Roller, 100 f nding, 262–263 Learning disabilities, 97–99
Hits, 152 generating ideas for, 132–133 getting what you need, 98–99
HIV (human immunodef ciency virus), making the most of, 262–263 identifying, 97–98
72–73 multiple intelligences and, 96 types, 98
Holland, John, 255 pros and cons, 262 Learning preferences, 79–105, 81
Holland Theory, 255 Interpersonal intelligence, 83, 84, 86, assessing, 80, 81–85, 86, 92–93
Honesty, 16, 233 92, 96, 145, 168, 208, 231, 253, career planning and job
Honor council, 17 283, 311 performance, 94–97
Honor societies, 239 Interviews exploring, 81
Human immunodef ciency virus (HIV), informational, 267–269 instructor selection for, 90–91
72–73 in job search, 261, 267 in reading process, 154
Humanities, reading strategies for, Intramural athletics, 241–242 in studying process, 186
148–149 Intrapersonal intelligence, 83, 84, 86, study strategies and, 92–93
Hunter, William, 108 92, 96, 145, 168, 208, 231, 253, technology management, 93–94
283, 311 in test taking, 198, 208
Introduction, drafting, 157 LeechBlock, 41
Lehrer, Jonah, 114
Identity theft, 294 J Levin, David, 14–15
Imagination, 177 LexusNexus, 153
Imagine (Lehrer), 114 Jacobs, Gregg D., 59 Liberal arts education, 4
342 Index