Page 82 - Keys to College Success
P. 82
What happened to Woody? Together, Woody, his fam- What does this mean for
ily, and his medical team decided that the calculated you? Woody discovered a
risk most worth taking was to amputate his left leg whole new set of values
above the knee. With a high-tech prosthetic, Woody through the course of his
regained his ability to walk. And with determination past few years. “I’m more concentrated
and humor, Woody took back his life, continuing to press on how I can achieve the goals I have set out for
on through his college coursework toward a major in rather than the negatives, because there will always be
business marketing, which he plans to earn in the next reason to feel down about life.” List three values that are
year. Finding that his perspective on cancer and life important to you. Now look at your current academic and
resonated with others, he started a “side-hustle” in life goals. Do they support your values or not? Give spe-
public speaking that has become his own business and cific examples. If you find that there isn’t enough linkage
a central focus in his life. between your values and current goals, think about risks
Woody travels around the country, speaking about you could take that could tie them closer.
his experience and raising money for cancer research
and other pressing social problems. He has his own web- What risk may bring reward beyond your world? “The
site, he blogs for the Huffington Post, he has started a most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is
video production business in addition to his work as a hostile, but that it is indifferent,” Woody says. “Your
speaker, and he has spoken at TEDx MileHigh. He has happiness is, and always has been, about you deciding
appeared on CNN and ESPN. His willingness to continue to be happy . . . . At some point it comes down to a
to risk has brought enormous rewards and a career that simple decision: happiness, or unhappiness. So if a one-
he never could have imagined as a high school junior legged, scar riddled, chemotherapy infused, medical-
on the football field. And his determination to take debt-having guy like me can figure it out, I like your
targeted medical risks continues to keep him living his chances.” Check out to see
life to the fullest. Woody is currently feeling great and how Woody risks choosing happiness by inspiring others.
working hard to make up for the time he lost because What risk and choice can you make that makes a differ-
of cancer. In his free time he enjoys bike riding and play- ence for someone else? Putting your values into action
ing golf, as well as sharing craft beers and baseball with can help you choose happiness in the face of the chal-
his friends. lenges of your own life.
GLOBAL RI SK AND REWARD Sergio Castro initially came to Chiapas, Mexico, to build water
infrastructure. The Mayan communities there came to see him as
a healer, and he took the risk to accept the role and stay. With
the art, clothing, and other items that patients gave him in
exchange for his services, he created a museum that has helped
to fund what is now a walk-in medical clinic. El Andalón (the one
who never stops) continues to heal the bodies, minds, and hearts
of poor and deprived people, experiencing the reward of making a
difference for many who would otherwise have no access to care. 13