Page 261 - Keys to College Success
P. 261


         How Well-Informed Are You about Resources and Opportunities?

         For each statement, fill in the number that feels right to you, from 1 for “not at all true for me” to 5 for “very true
         for me.”

           1. I know where to find my student handbook both in hard copy and online.          1  2  3   4  5

           2. I am already considering activities that interest me outside of my coursework.  1  2  3   4  5
           3. I do not hesitate to contact a person or office when I need information or support.  1  2  3  4  5

           4. In high school and/or the workplace, I have experienced working in teams.       1  2  3   4  5
           5. I am an effective team player and work hard to fulfill my responsibilities.     1  2  3   4  5
           6. I understand how working with a study group can help me learn and remember.     1  2  3   4  5

           7. I have an idea of the range of activities available to me at my school.         1  2  3   4  5
           8. I welcome the opportunity to meet new people through extracurricular activities.  1  2  3  4  5

           9.  I feel confident that I will be able to manage my time so that participation in activities does not
            compromise my ability to manage my coursework.                                    1  2  3   4  5
         10. I know what service learning is and whether it is offered at my school.          1  2  3   4  5

         Each of the topics in these statements is covered in this chapter. Note those statements for which you filled in a 3 or lower. Skim
         the chapter to see where those topics appear, and pay special attention to them as you read, learn, and apply new strategies.

                                   HOW CAN YOU CREATE A WELL-ROUNDED
                                             college experience?

                                   By now you are aware that what college has to offer you incorporates, but goes
                                   far beyond, what you learn in the classroom. College is an opportunity for change
                                   and growth in every aspect of your life—intellectual, social, physical, emotional,
                                   psychological, and experiential. Even within each of those realms there are diverse
                                   ways to develop. For example, social development can mean increased acceptance
                                   of diversity, more skill in managing friendships, and growing confidence in leading
                                   a group.
                                      As you read this chapter, remember that you have two important responsibilities:
                                   One, learn about your school. Two, take risks. In other words:

                                   Learn the unique details of your school’s resources.  Because Keys to Success is
                                   used in a variety of schools, this chapter can only offer general information. Your job is
       9                           to understand the specific details of what your school offers—where services are
       CHAPTER   224               place, how you can gather information, and so on. Your student handbook, whether in
                                   located, who can help and how to reach those people, when activities or meetings take
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