Page 264 - Keys to College Success
P. 264

KEY         9.1    Explore services that meet your specific needs.

                                                           Residence life.
                                                         Handles issues for students
                                                          living in school housing.
                                                        Resident assistants (RAs) live
                                   Transportation.           with students.        International
                                 Help with parking, public                        student services.
                                 transportation options, and
                                involvement (for commuters                      Help with documentation and
                                 who feel disconnected from                    federal regulations; support for
                                  the campus community).                       adjusting to a new environment.

                    Campus computing                                                       Transfer student services.
                      and information                                                       Support with integrating into
                   technology (IT) services.                                                  the school community,
                  Help working in a computer center                                             transferring credits,
                    or assistance with your own         Need-specific offices                   and declaring majors.
                       personal computer.

                                                                                         Services for ethnic
                           Career services.                                            or cultural populations.
                         Help with job searches for                                  Offerings depend on the student body.
                         current students as well as                                  Examples include Latino/a student
                       career planning and placement                                     services or support for LGBTQ
                           for after graduation.                                        (lesbian-gay-bi-transgender-
                                                                                          questioning) students.

                                               Services for           Veterans’ affairs.
                                          students with disabilities.  Services such as financial aid and
                                           Helps students with disabilities  benefit management, academic
                                           navigate campus and receive  and personal counseling, and
                                            accommodations necessary  opportunities to connect
                                              to facilitate learning.    with other vets.


               Out of all of the offices that comprise a school’s administration, the office of student
               affairs is one of the most important for students. In many colleges, the office of stu-
               dent affairs is the center for student services, overseeing all kinds of organizations,                 People, Resources, and Opportunities
               student support offices, and activities. Staff members there can answer your ques-
               tions or direct you to others who can help.
                   Deans are administrators who are in charge of various areas at your college. Although
               each college has its own administrative structure, every school has the following.

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