Page 67 - Keys to College Success
P. 67

get analytical


         Rate each of the values in the list on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being least important to you and 5 being most important.
         Write each rating next to the corresponding value.

             Knowing yourself                    Being liked by others          Reading
             Self-improvement                    Taking risks                   Time to yourself
             Improving physical/mental health    Time for fun/relaxation        Lifelong learning

             Leadership and teamwork skills      Staying fit through exercise   Competing and winning
             Pursuing an education               Spiritual/religious life       Making a lot of money
             Good relationships with family      Community involvement          Creative/artistic pursuits
             Helping others                      Keeping up with the news       Getting a good job
             Being organized                     Financial stability            Other ________________

         Complete the following on a sheet of paper or digital file.
           1.  Write your top three values.
           2.   Choose one top value that is a factor in an educational choice you have made. Explain the choice and how the
             value was involved. Example: A student who values f nancial stability chooses to take a personal f nance course.

           3.  Name an area of study that you think would help you live according to this value.

             KEY       2.1    Goals reinforce one another.

               Long-term                                   Earn a degree

               Yearlong                      Declare major                Pass classes

               Semester       Explore career areas      Work with study groups     Be in class and on time

                                 Meet with                                             Cut down on
               One Month                                 Plan group meetings
                               academic advisor                                     late-night socializing

                              Call advisor to set     Call friends from class about  Study weeknights and
               This Week
                               up appointment          getting a group together    go out on Friday nights

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