Page 148 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 148

During the environmental review of Peacehaven operations,   Plastic waste can persist in the environment for centuries if
            the ESI  team observed  environmental aspects related  to   not managed effectively. It poses a significant challenge due
            electricity consumption, use of plastic bottles for nasogastric   to its durability and slow degradation. Despite this, only 15%
            tube feeding, excessive diaper usage, use of plastic bento   of plastic waste is typically recycled. Therefore, the ESI team
            food trays, and excess water consumption.  The team   decided to address the issue of plastic waste by focusing on
            also surveyed the staff’s perceptions of environmental   the bento sets used for meals provided to the residents of
            sustainability (Figure 2).                           Peacehaven. We aimed to reduce plastic waste and minimise
                                                                 food wastage.
            The survey results revealed that 42% of the staff expressed
            concern about using plastic bento trays in their wards   In 2020, Peacehaven opted to engage a vendor to supply
            (Figure 3). Additionally, 23% were worried about electricity   meals for the residents as a precautionary measure to
            wastage, 16% were concerned about the use of plastic milk   prevent the spread of COVID-19.  This decision increased
            bottles, and 7% focused on water wastage; the remaining   plastic usage and food waste after each meal. Before the
            respondents cited concern about food wastage.        pandemic, the kitchen at Peacehaven prepared all meals in-
                                                                 house. When the project began in mid-2022, the COVID-19
                                                                 situation  had  improved.  Despite  this  change,  Peacehaven
                                                                 continued to rely on bento tray sets. Our team recognised
                                                                 this  gap  and  introduced  an  alternative  solution  to  reduce
                                                                 plastic usage.
                                                                 The ESI  team quantified  the environmental  impact, in
                                                                 terms of the carbon footprint, of using bento sets for meals
                                                                 provided to the residents. An empty bento tray weighs 55g
                                                                 (Figure 4a and b). The cost of the food served without the tray
                                                                 was a discount of $0.54 for each food serving. The vendor
                                                                 supplies 308 bento meals daily. This information allowed the
                                                                 team to calculate the potential reduction in plastic usage
                  Figure 2: Survey on environment sustainability.  and associated carbon footprint by opting for meals without
                                                                 plastic containers.

                                                                 Table 2: Calculations of the total carbon emission for using
                                                                 the bento set.

                                                                 Total meals in a day supplied by the vendor  308 sets of bento
                                                                 Total meals in a year (308 x 365)  112,420 sets
                                                                 Weight of single plastic container  55g
                                                                 A total plastic container used in a year (55g  6183.1kg
                                                                 x 112,420)
                         Figure 3: Bento food tray.              Carbon emissions caused by using a plastic  37,098.6 kg
                                                                 container                          CO2(A)

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