Page 147 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 147

Peacehaven Nursing Home


            The Salvation Army-Peacehaven, is a nursing home based
            in Singapore dedicated to providing compassionate,
            personalised, and inclusive care for individuals of all ages,
            without any form of discrimination (Figure 1).

            Peacehaven employs a multi-disciplinary approach to
            cater to approximately 500 individuals on a daily basis. This
            approach involves a variety of professional teams, including
            nursing care, therapy and dietetics, medical, social work, and
            case management.  This comprehensive range of services
            allows  Peacehaven  to  deliver  expert  care  to  individuals
            with  physical  or  mental  disabilities  who  may  lack  suitable   Figure1: Peacehaven Nursing Home
            caregivers at home.
                                                                 Despite these challenges, the staff demonstrated a proactive
            Peacehaven holds the distinction of being the first nursing   approach by eagerly listening to our suggestions and
            home in Singapore to achieve international accreditation   promptly providing information and data on environmental
            through the Australian Council on Healthcare Standard’s   sustainability. Their willingness to collaborate and engage
            EQuIP Residential Care Standards. Furthermore, the   in discussions highlighted their commitment to fostering a
            dedication and outstanding service of their staff have been   more environmentally conscious workplace.
            recognized through various awards for excellence in service
            delivery.                                            The cost of using biodegradable food bowls is summarised
                                                                 in Table 1.
            Environmental review
                                                                    Table 1: Total cost of using the biodegradable bowls
            Good Environmental Practices

                                                                 Cost of a plastic container (without   $0.10
            During the environmental review of the Peacehaven nursing   food)
            home, we noticed several commendable environmental
            practices being implemented by the staff. There was evident   Total cost in a year ($0.10x112,420)  $11, 242 (C)
            enthusiasm among the staff to learn about recycling   Total Savings over the bento set (B,C)  $49,464.80
            methods for items such as milk bottles, plastic bento sets, and
            the reuse of syringes used for feeding purposes. However,   However, the macerators cost $47,500, and the installation
            it  was  noted  that  specific  sustainability  initiatives  had  to   (drainage, piping, electrical work) could cost $200,000. This
            be balanced with infection control measures to ensure the   was an initial cost (fixed asset) that the nursing home must
            safety of the residents. Consequently, not all sustainability   be ready to invest to yearn for good results in the long run.
            efforts could be fully realised due to these constraints.  However, total saving of plastic in a year = 112.420 x 55g =
                                                                 6183.1 kg of plastic = 37,098.6 kg CO2 (D)

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