Page 3 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 3
Ms Grace Fu
Minister for Sustainability and the Environment
Minister-in-Charge of Trade Relations
Climate change is an existential threat to Singapore. and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Combining
We are a low-lying island vulnerable to the threat of our youths’ fresh perspectives with practical industry
rising sea levels and an urbanised city-state susceptible expertise, the project sparks innovative solutions that
to rising global temperatures. We must come together empower our SMEs to overcome climate challenges
to ensure a sustainable and climate-resilient future in and propel Singapore’s sustainability journey.
the face of these challenges.
We look forward to more such partnerships and
Just as climate change and its impacts affect everyone, collaborations between our youths and our corporates.
our response likewise requires collective action from Together, we can go a long way in building a resilient
the Government, corporations, individuals, and our home for our current and future generations. I want
community. to thank NYAA and HSBC for their continued support
through two phases of the ITE-SME Climate Change
The ITE-SME Climate Change Mitigation Project is an Mitigation Project. I hope the project inspires more
excellent example of how our industry and youths can ground-up initiatives to shape a sustainable Singapore.
join hands to advance Singapore towards a greener
and climate-resilient future. This project fosters a
dynamic partnership between ITE students and small