Page 5 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 5

Mr James Soh BBM PBM MBE

                                          Executive Director
                                          National Youth Achievement Award Council

            The World Meteorological Organisation’s Red Alert in  The project‘s success signals the potential for
            March 2024, coupled with 2023 being the hottest year  meaningful change, with plans to expand the
            on record, underscores the escalating climate crisis.  involvement of ITE students and SMEs, supported by
            With projections suggesting 2024 will continue this  HSBC Singapore.
            trend, urgency for climate action is paramount.  The
            latest UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  Beyond tangible outcomes, the project provides
            report emphasizes the swift and worsening impacts of  students with a platform to learn, innovate, and lead
            climate change globally.                             in the green economy, preparing Singapore for a more
                                                                 sustainable future.
            For Singapore, Initiatives such as the NYAA and HSBC
            collaboration  “Towards  a  Sustainable  Future,”  which  The call to action is clear: embrace the challenge as
            is aligned with the Singapore Green Plan 2030, are  an opportunity for transformation, shaping a future
            vital. By involving students and small and medium-   where sustainability is ingrained.  Together, we can
            sized enterprises (SMEs), the initiative aims to foster a  work towards a cooler, more sustainable Singapore,
            greener economy.                                     contributing to a healthier planet for future generations.

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