Page 9 - Stories from our Grandparents
P. 9
Mr Beh Heng Kong BORN 1965 t was the year 1942. Times y name is Salleh bin Masalam. I was born
By Estelle Beh were rough, the British had just in 1930 and I went through the World
Bukit Batok Secondary School
surrendered to the Japanese and
War II (WW2) in Singapore. I am originally
Ithose who had been working for
Mandai Kecil which is known as Woodlands today.
them, like my grandparents, were left Mfrom Singapore and I lived in Kampung
jobless. Soon after, the Japanese arrived in Singapore. Locals back then
were terrified with the stories they heard about the mass executions the During the war, I was only 12
Japanese had committed in China. My grandfather and grandmother, years old. I had to study in a
Fatt Sang and Ah Kee, managed to find a job as chefs to the Japanese Japanese school for a short Mr Salleh bin Masalam
soldiers. Of course this job did not come without any difficulties. During period of time before working
their shifts, they could hear the soulful cries of tortured innocents. with the Japanese soldiers. I did By Nurafeqah Bte Esa’ri BORN 1930
For 4 years, they worked under Japanese rule. They encountered not get tortured that much as I Bukit Batok Secondary School
many traumatic events when the Japanese had just arrived. was working for them. The worst
punishment I had received was
getting slapped. My family and I were very lucky. Even though my parents
Since many Chinese locals were not working, we had easy access to food. As for the other citizens,
were supporting China, the finding food was tough for them.
Japanese had picked out Growing up, I was a naughty kid. I was not scared of the soldiers. One day, the
jobless Chinese men and Thankfully, the Japanese soldiers wanted to catch some birds. They had to climb a fence but they had
their heavy weapons with them. The soldiers asked me to hold their weapons
women for Operation Sook Occupation did not last forever. In for them. I realised that there was a papaya tree around where I was standing
1945, the Japanese surrendered.
Ching. My grandfather's As the British were about to return and I wanted to eat the papaya.
brothers were selected too. back to Singapore, people rushed
These people were told that to spend the last of their Banana With the soldier’s weapon, I aimed for the
Sook Ching was a jobsite, money. However, relatives told my papaya and fired. I accidentally missed the
fruit and the bullet flew past the tree and
grandfather that Banana money
unbeknownst to the fact could still be used when the British
that Operation Sook Ching arrived. Of course, this was not the straight into a school behind. I did not realise
was a mass execution. The case. Banana money was worthless that there was a school there. Luckily, no one
got injured as the bullet went through the
brothers disappeared for by then.
months and eventually, my A few years later, I was born. I open window.
grandfather lost hope in remembered how my parents The Japanese soldiers were so angry that they
finding them. gave me Banana money as a sort climbed down the fence and slapped me in
of toy. It was so worthless then that the face.
it was scattered all over the streets
for anyone's taking.
8 Grandpa Stories Grandpa Stories 9