Page 32 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
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               CYNTHIA M. BALCIUS
               Certified Wetland & Certified Soil Scientist
               Certified Professional in Sediment and Erosion Control

               Ms. Balcius  is an environmental consultant with over 25 years of experience in the fields of wetland
               science, soil science, environmental permitting and sediment and erosion control.  As owner and founder
               of Stoney Ridge Environmental LLC she provides a variety of services including project management,
               wetland delineation, wetland mitigation, wetland restoration, vernal pool assessments, wetland functional
               assessments,  natural resource inventories, stream cross sections,  stream crossing permitting, shoreland
               permitting, wetland permitting, test pits, infiltration tests and Sediment and Erosion Control Monitoring,
               High Intensity Soil Mapping, Site-Specific Soil  Mapping and mitigation monitoring. Ms. Balcius
               facilitates the permitting process by incorporating both her experience and  knowledge, in conjunction
               with her long time working relationships with local, state and federal agencies. She is a specialist in plant
               community development and disturbed soils in relation to wetland creation and wetland restoration. A
               common sense approach  to problem solving  that assists in finding solutions is her approach to every

                 2007 to Present     Principal/Senior Project Mgr.      Stoney Ridge Environmental LLC
                2001 to 2007         Senior Project Manager        NHSC, Inc., Alton Office
                                     Office Manager
                2000 to 2008         Wetland/Soil Consultant       Belknap County Conservation District
                1996 to 2001         Senior Soil/Wetland Scientist   Gove Environmental Services, Inc.
                1994 to 1996         Soil Scientist/Project Assistant  BFI Organics
                1992 to 1994         Research/Teaching Assistant   University of New Hampshire
                1992 to 1993         Field Research Assistant      USDA – Soil Conservation Service
                1991 to 1992         Herbarium/Field Technician    University of New Hampshire

                1994                  University of New Hampshire  Graduate studies – Soil Science
                1992                  University of New Hampshire  B.S. Plant Biology/Minor Soil Science

                       1999   New Hampshire Certified Wetland Scientist (CWS #061)
                       1995   New Hampshire Certified Soil Scientist (CSS #084)
                       1999   Certified Professional in Sediment and Erosion Control (CPESC #2014)

                       New Hampshire Association of Natural Resource Scientists (Life Member)
                       Society of Soil Scientists of Northern New England
                       International Erosion Control Association

               PUBLIC SERVICE:
                       New Hampshire Association of Natural Resource Scientists, Past-President
                        Current Legislative Chair
                       Town of Alton Conservation Commission 2000-2002
                       Town of Alton Planning Board, Elected Term 2002-2011
                       Soil-Based Lot-Sizing, Committee Member
                       Site-Specific Soil Mapping Standards for NH, co-author
                       Instructor - Introduction to Wetland Identification
                       Appointee – Governor’s Shoreland Commission and Rules Committee
                       NHDES Alteration of Terrain Rules/Anti-degradation Committee Member
                       NHDES Stream Crossings Rules and Prime Wetlands Rules Committee Member
                       NHDES Wetland Rules Committee/ NH Legislative Committee on Public Waters Regulation
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