Page 33 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
P. 33
Wetland/Soil Scientist
Mr. Macdonald is an environmental consultant with field experience in wetland delineation, wetland
function and value assessments, soil mapping, sediment and erosion control monitoring and water quality
and sediment/soil sampling. At Stoney Ridge Environmental LLC, Mr. Macdonald provides a variety of
services including environmental permitting, regulatory compliance, wetland delineation, wetland
function and value assessment, vernal pool assessment, natural resource evaluation, soil test pits and
infiltration tests. Mr. Macdonald also provides sediment and erosion control monitoring, wetland
mitigation/restoration monitoring, GPS reconnaissance, GIS plan development, AutoCAD drafting and
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development. Mr. Macdonald also performs function
and value assessments using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Highway Methodology and the New
Hampshire Method for Evaluation of Freshwater Wetlands and has experience preparing Site Specific
and High Intensity Soil Maps.
4/2018 to Present Assistant Project Manager Stoney Ridge Environmental LLC
1/2018-5/2018 Laboratory Technician UNH Stable Isotope Laboratory
5/2017-5/2018 Undergraduate Research Scientist UNH Earth Systems Research Center
2018 University of New Hampshire, B.S. Environmental Science
August 2018 - Rockingham County Conservation District: Amoozemeter Training.
September 2018 – Institute for Wetland and Environmental Education and Research: Wetlands and Their
Borders: Plant Identification Course
December 2018 – New Hampshire Association of Natural Resource Scientists: Poorly Drained and Very
Poorly Drained Soils Workshop