Page 15 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Kimball Street Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
P. 15
Company Overview
Stoney Ridge Environmental LLC (SRE) is a full- Environmental Permitting
service, fully insured environmental firm with experienced
staff offering services in wetland delineation, wetland Common Sense Solutions
permitting, wetland function-value assessment, shoreland Local Expertise
permitting, stream classification & assessment, wetland
mitigation strategies and design, wetland mitigation • Wetland Delineations
monitoring, wetland restoration, prime wetland studies, • Wetland Permitting
wildlife inventories and survey's, vernal pool assessments, • Wetland Assessments
endangered and threatened species surveys, invasive • Shoreland Permitting
species inventories and invasive species control plans, • Sediment & Erosion Control
natural resource documentation, GIS data, Storm Water • Wildlife Studies
Pollution Prevention Plans, sediment & erosion control • Vernal Pool Assessments
monitoring, soil test pits, soil infiltration tests, site-specific • Soil Mapping
soil mapping, high intensity soil mapping, land use • Endangered Species
planning and environmental permitting. SRE staff members • Shoreline Structures
have over 22 years of experience in land use development, • Certified Scientists
as well as in natural resource mapping, and the application
of the data in many different circumstances and scenarios.
Our staff members are knowledgeable and are up to date on
all the rule changes and how they may or may not affect a
project. We frequently work with engineers, surveyors,
landscape architects, private & commercial developers and
homeowners. We work together with other professionals as
part of a project team or individually depending on the
scope of the project and the goals. We routinely present,
mediate and negotiate with local, state and federal
regulatory agencies on behalf of our clients. Our experience
enables us to assist our clients in reaching their unique
project goals in a timely and economical manner.We
believe in common sense environmental solutions.
229 Prospect Mountain Road, Alton, NH 03809 | 603.776.5825 | |